We received from 28th March to 01st April 2016 Prof. Dr. Vincentas Lamanauskas from the University of Siauliai in Lithuania, which has an agreement with the School of Education at USP (FEUSP) under the coordination by Prof. Dr. Agnaldo Arroio from FEUSP. Professor Lamanauskas came through the Erasmus + agreement suport, the same suport that included our undergraduate student Bruna Micioni Vidal who is this semester (1/2016) on exchange program at the University of Siauliai.
Professor Lamanauskas taught the discipline of graduate “Scientific writing in Education”. Hosted by Prof. Agnaldo, visited the premises of FEUSP as the Dean Office, Library, Laboratory of Toys and Pedagogical Materials (LABRIMP) and International Office. He also participated in meetings on the research project, visited and talked to teachers from the Fernão Dias (Pinheiros) State School and presented a seminar at UFABC.