The program is organized around 6 (six) main areas of inquiry and research:
- Culture, Philosophy and History of Education
- Scientific, Mathematical and Technological Education
- Education and Social Sciences: Inequalities and Differences
- Education, Language and Psychology
- State, Society and Education
- Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices
Culture, Philosophy and History of Education
Syllabus: The area is characterized by investigations on educational topics related to social and school contexts, as well as to higher education under the perspective of three main interconnected themes: 1) cultures as symbolic systems and their logics; 2) thinking from a philosophical perspective; and 3) historiographic research in a comparative dimension. Thus, the systems, structures and educational institutions, the socio-political organizations as field of research, the traditional communities, the subjects from and in education, the socio-political daily life, the environmental and cultural- artistic relations, the sociocultural historical process, memory, corporeality, the ways of thinking and sensibility are problematized from multiple theoretical-methodological foundations in their specificities and border zones, which constitute their research contexts through 1) a convergent and intercultural dialogue, 2) ethnical-racial and gender diversity and 3) alterity.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maurilane de Souza Biccas
Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Cristiane Maria Cornélia Gottschalk
The area is organized into three research lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Culture & Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The line investigates cultures conceived as symbolic systems and the social practices, as symbolic-educational practices that can embody several hermeneutics in their process of comprehension of several fields. The production of culture is considered in its dynamic process with their social and political developments , which guarantees, at the same time and in an intersubjective and complex mode, its unity and diversity, as well as its conservation and transformation. Thus, the studies carried out by the researchers in the line focus on themes such as: 1) symbolic-cultural dimensions in the field of social organizations and institutions; 2) cultural-political dimensions in the field of social organizations and institutions: power, dominance and libertarian movements; 3) artistic-cultural manifestations as educational practices; 4) intercultural dialogue, ethnical-racial, generational and gender diversity in identity processes; 5) cultural language, art and education; 6) education and environment.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Philosophy and Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The line carries out research projects that investigate, under a philosophical perspective, educational themes with the aim to explain, clarify and discuss aspects related to the knowledge and practice in the educational field, in its historical-cultural manifestations or in its theoretical dimension. The investigations discuss the logical, epistemological, ethical, aesthetical or political aspects of education.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: History of Education and Historiography” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The line carries out studies related to historiographic investigations about education, also from a comparative dimension, from several theoretical-methodological perspectives, which result in a History of Education with a socio-cultural profile. The line studies, from a historical point of view, 5 main fields: 1) educators and pedagogical ideas, which comprise the analysis of main theories of education and the historical influence of their thinkers and authors; 2) the educational institutions, their origins and development related to the sociocultural context of the time; 3) practices, representations and school knowledge(s), which comprise the historiographic research about the reading practices and places, the production, the circulation and the use of printed materials, the pedagogical knowledge and the teaching profession, the school subjects, the social relations of gender the ethnical-racial ones, the relations between memory, education and school culture, the relations between work and education; 4) comparative studies in Education focusing on the understanding of cultural, linguistic, historiographic and political diversities and proximities in the educational field; and, 5) the organization of school archives with the aim to preserve the documental sources about schools and schooling.[/wpspoiler]
Scientific, Mathematical and Technological Education
Syllabus: The aim of this area is to investigate themes such as: the genesis of scientific concepts, processes of teacher education for the teaching of Sciences and Mathematics, teaching processes which lead to learning, interrelationships between language in a broad sense and scientific languages, Sciences and Mathematics curricula, presence and use of Information and Communication Technologies and several pedagogical resources.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Elio Carlos Ricardo
Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Agnaldo Arroio
The area is organized into four research lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Sciences, Technologies and the Public” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The line includes 1) analysis of multiple relations between science and the public; 2) investigations about the public understanding of sciences, mathematics and technology; 3) studies about processes of disseminating scientific knowledge carried out by different institutions and through several actions of education and public communication of science broadcasted in different media such as the printing press, images, audiovisual, digital technologies and literature; 4) studies which, from a historical and theoretical-methodological perspective, clarify aspects of scientific knowledge, of the nature of Science and the relationships between science, technology, society and environment which underpin actions of scientific dissemination and popularization of social appropriation of Science; and, 5) investigations about the forms of social appropriation of natural sciences by different publics, in an interdependent relationship with formal education.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Education, History and Philosophy of Sciences and Mathematics” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The studies include scientific and mathematical foundations, as well as the methodological aspects of scientific research. They also comprise studies on: 1) scientific theories, from general investigations to analyses focused on specific subjects, such as chemistry, physics, biology, geosciences and mathematics; 2) the relations between the historical contexts and the development of sciences and mathematics; 3) the scientific activity and mathematics, comprising concepts, themes, institutions, practices and mathematical, technological and scientific representations; 4) the History of Sciences in Brazil, from the colonial period until the Republic; 5) teaching approaches which include the History and Philosophy of Sciences; 6) concepts and dissemination of History and Philosophy of Sciences in formal and non-formal educational institutions.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Teacher Education and Curriculum for Scientific and Mathematical Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: This line includes investigations on the relations between the cultural, epistemological, didatic and axiological dimensions of Teacher education aiming at scientific and mathematical education. Thus, they can analyze beliefs, concepts and teacher knowledge produced in formal (school) contexts as well as teacher education programs; the content and the teacher learning processes developed under several educational models; action-research and shared education in Teacher developing programs; integrated projects of Teacher investigation; the discourses of science, school and teacher education. Also relevant to the line are studies on school curriculum that focus on: (1) the knowledge and teaching approaches prescribed for the scientific and mathematical content within curricula as relevant to student education in school; (2) the production of pedagogical/teaching materials; and (3) the discourses and practices developed in the schools for the teaching of those curricular components.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Language and Scientific Culture” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: The studies investigate the meaning-making process within school spaces and Science communication; the construction of arguments and modelling educational activities; early literacy and scientific literacy and the relations between science, technology, society and environment; the multimodal, cognitive, social and affective aspects related to the teaching and learning of sciences; teaching by investigation.[/wpspoiler]
Education and Social Sciences: inequalities and differences
Syllabus: The studies in this area aim to investigate cultural social themes in their political, economic, ethical and aesthetical aspects. They focus on institutions, the building and recognition of human differences, of subjects and their identities, as well as the processes that generate conflict and discrimination. The area takes, as object of investigation, social categories, schools, school systems, educational processes in other spheres of social life, proposals and program experiences that relate to education, especially ones related to the demands of citizenship and human rights. Therefore, the studies intend to contribute to the affirmation of freedom and the construction of social equality, in both the individual and the community dimensions. The area is dedicated to the consolidation of a sound theoretical body as well as interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for the understanding of the relationships between education, inequalities and differences.
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Carla Biancha Angelucci
Vice-Coordination: Prof. Dr. Fabiana Augusta Alves Jardim
This area is organized into three research lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Culture, Power, and Criticism of the Present” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: Highlighted by its strong interdisciplinary aspect (Sociology, History, Philosophy, Art and Cultural Studies), the line comprises investigations dedicated to discursive and non-discursive practices in Education, both in its formal (school) version and in its multiple non-formal initiatives which are in progress currently. Using multiple analytical procedures – discourse analysis, archeogeneological, cartography, etc., the studies focus on both the relations between power/resistance and the games that crisscross government/freedom, as well as ethical-aesthetical processes that take place within.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Special Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It comprises investigations supported by different theoretical perspectives which take special education in its multiplicity, both in relation to (1) deepening the epistemological, conceptual perspectives which underpin the field – studies about alterity, teaching and learning processes, languages and codes/signs, teacher education, public policies, social movements and rights, counselling boards; and to (2) the spaces where education takes place aiming at catering for the needs of people with disabilities, global development disorders and high abilities/giftedness, among them the formal schooling/education, cultural artistic practices and supporting community networks.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Sociology of Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It comprises sociocultural studies of schools, of school systems, of educational processes and their agents, and of formal and non-formal educational experiences. They examine the relations between education and society, with the aim to understand the cultural processes, ideologies, political institutions, systems of domination and the construction of practices of emancipation and resistance, both under the perspective of individuals as well as social groups or movements.[/wpspoiler]
Education, Language and Psychology
It covers theoretical investigations and practices in the field of education together with art, languages, play and psychology. It is about studies on development, teaching and learning processes. It coordinates these processes in the following aspects: linguistic education; literary education and education in art; education in other social contexts; studies on mother tongues, foreign, additional and inheritance languages; studies about schooling from childhood education and the day-to-day in teaching institutes; and psychoanalysis studies, all of them considered within the contemporaneity.
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Valéria Amorim Arantes de Araújo
Vice-Coordination: Prof. Dr. Claudia Rosa Riolfi
The area is organized into four research lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Orality, Literacy, Multiliteracies and Art” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It concerns the acquisition of speech, orality and literacy emerging from the current processes of signification, including toys/plays and book/e-book of visual art and childhood literature. It conducts investigations about art, culture in the processes of social communication, to the multiliteracies and the new technologies and their multiple relations with schools.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Psychoanalysis and Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It comprises studies that aim to investigate the fundamentals of the psychoanalytic theory and possible connections with Education, emphasizing the contributions of Freud, Lacan and their followers.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Psychology and Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It encompasses theoretical and practical investigations, linking the areas of psychology and education. It comprises studies on the processes and conditions of development, of teaching and learning, taking into consideration the cognitive affective dimensions of the human psyche, as well as the sociocultural differences and the related aspects at school and in other educational spaces. It also includes studies about school psychology, education and play in the contemporaneity, teacher education and narrative.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Theories and Practices of Linguistics and Literary Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It concerns orality processes, reading and writing, the analysis of school texts and/or directed to teaching and learning, language policies and language teacher education – both mother tongue and foreign languages.[/wpspoiler]
State, Society and Education
Syllabus: It covers investigations on relationships among State, society and education in different theoretical, epistemological and methodological perspectives emphasizing the educational rights and the public policies that aim to democratize education. It involves studies about national and international educational processes in different spaces and stances: on the systems and school institutions, social movements and in other forms of organization in civil society.
It encompasses research on: education, citizenship and human rights; basic education in all its phases and modalities; higher education; ways of participation in the management of systems and units of teaching; administration and funding of education; educational assessment; relations among educational schooling, non-schooling and society; education and work; education, race/ethnicity and social inequality; education and gender relations; education of young and adults; education of disabled people, global disorders in the development and high abilities/highly gifted people; education in deprivation of liberty.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Carmen Sylvia Vidigal Moraes
Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Maria Clara Di Pierro
This area is organized into two lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Policy, management, funding and educational assessment” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It studies the social construction of educational rights, the determinants and characteristics of public policies on higher and basic education, as well as the management of teaching systems and of school units. It includes studies about the State, policies, legislation, administration, funding, economy and educational assessment; it covers access issues, permanence, inequalities and ways of participation.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Work, education, power relations and resistance” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It studies contemporary manifestations of domination and exploitation, as well as resistances that interpose in the various social subjects organized in networks and movements within educational processes. It covers studies on educational inequalities, popular education, education and work, education and gender, and on the struggles for educational rights and, in this context, the acknowledgement of diversity in social subjects (rural and urban workers, indigenous people, Afro-descendants, migrants, people in deprivation of liberty, etc.).[/wpspoiler]
Teacher Education, Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices
Syllabus: The curriculum and the pedagogical practices are fields of investigation whose goals are connected with teacher education. The area develops studies of both theoretical and empirical nature that cover various institutional, cultural, historical and social spaces. Thus, it encompasses research with different epistemological, historical, political and/or sociological approaches: 1) teaching-learning interactions; constitution of the school subjects; pedagogical organization of the teaching-learning process; relationships among specialized knowledge, school practices, pedagogical mediations and received knowledge; construction processes of classroom knowledge with multi and interdisciplinary perspectives; ways of appropriation and use of different languages, teaching materials and technologies; 2) connections between theory and practice within teacher education (initial and continued) and teacher performance; studies about systems, curriculum development and policies of teacher education; professional and teaching practice; new information and communication technology, in classroom and online teaching; 3) multiple dimensions of the curriculum from its plan and proposal designs to production of teaching materials and teaching practices developed at school; and debates on the concepts and practices of assessment.
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Nuria Hanglei Cacete
Vice-Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Mônica Appezzato Pinazza
The area is organized into three research lines:
[wpspoiler name=”Research line: Curriculum and assessment” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: This line of research intends to collect studies whose themes can be associated with these two fields, from different theoretical and methodological approaches. Curriculum research can have different epistemological, historical, political and/or sociological approaches and involve multiple dimensions of the curriculum, from the elaboration of plans and proposals and the production of pedagogical materials, to the practices concerning curriculum development at schools. In relation to the assessment field, it comprises debates on the concepts and practices of assessment developed at school, and their potential influences on curriculum practices.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Didactics and Teaching Methodology” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: As a field of study and research that have teaching as its object, it intends to substantiate the teaching-learning process as a social practice, including research that aim to analyze the demands shown by the world today in multiple, diverse, cultural, historical, social and institutional spaces. It involves investigations about teaching-learning interaction and about knowledge production such as: theoretical and empirical studies on didactics, teaching methodologies and the establishment of school subjects; relationships about scientific knowledge, school practices, pedagogical mediations and knowledge taught; knowledge construction processes within the classroom from multi and interdisciplinary perspectives in the elementary school, higher education and non formal education; ways of appropriation and the use of different languages, teaching and technology materials.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Teacher Education and Pedagogical Practices” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”]Syllabus: It investigates the formative acts and the pedagogical practices in various levels at the scope of elementary school (childhood education, primary school and high school), higher education and non-formal spaces which incorporate studies on epistemological and methodological aspects as well as the implications that derive from theory and practice in the process of teacher education and his/her performance, either in pre-service or continued education. It analyses different modalities of internship in pre-service and continued education as an object of theoretical analysis and the experiences which constitute the teaching act. It covers studies about systems, curriculum development and policies of teacher education; information technologies and communication in classroom teaching and distance learning.[/wpspoiler][wpspoiler name=”Research line: Philosophy and Education” style=”wpui-pos_graduacao”][/wpspoiler]