School of Education Board
- Dean: Prof. Dr. Marcos Garcia Neira
- Vice-Dean : Prof. Dr. Vinício de Macedo Soares
Assistants: Léia Mota Tácito and Eliana Aparecida dos Santos
Telephones: (55) (11) 30913517 / 30919066 / 30913149
- Department of School Administration and Economy of Education (EDA)
Telephones: (55) (11) 30918300 / 26480621
- Department of Philosophy of Education and Sciences of Education (EDF)
Telephones: (55) (11) 30913195 / 26480615
- Department of Teaching Methodology and Comparative Education (EDM)
Telephones: (55) (11) 26480617 / 26480616
International Office
- Assistant: Vanessa de Lima Carvalho
Telephone: (55) (11) 30912067