The School of Education offers two undergraduate degrees: the degree in Education (Pedagogy) and the degree in Teaching.
This degree provides broad theoretical foundation as well as solid teaching practice required for professional performance. To obtain the degree in Education (Pedagogy), the student must complete 3,240 course hours, which comprise: 34 mandatory courses and 09 free electives, 420 mandatory internship hours, 200 independent study hours and an optional 180 hour Final Essay, all to be earned in a period of 4 to 6 years of study.
Every year 180 new students join the course – 60 in the daytime classes and 120 in the evening classes.
The career in Education/Pedagogy
Having a degree in Education will allow professionals to work in a variety of areas, such as:
- Early Childhood and Primary/Elementary Education in public and private educational institutions.
- School Principal and Assistant Principal (Vice-Principal) in elementary, middle and high schools in public and private educational institutions;
- Education Coordinator in different levels and modalities in primary/elementary, middle and high schools;
- School Counselor in different levels and modalities in primary/elementary, middle and high schools;
- Teaching Practice Supervisor in public schools, both in the state and in the municipal sectors;
- Education Practitioner certified for educational planning, execution, coordination, assistance and assessment.
- Education consultant in a broad range of civil society organizations;
- Education consultant in other fields where pedagogic knowledge is required;
- Education specialist in educational planning, execution, coordination, assistance and assessment of nonschool educational environments and projects;
- Education specialist in production, research and diffusion of academic knowledge in Education in school and nonschool educational settings.
The School of Education offers pedagogical content courses for the following undergraduate teaching programs at USP: Portuguese, Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Greek, Eastern Languages, Linguistics, History, Geography, Geology, Social Sciences, Philosophy, Geosciences and Environmental Education, Mathematics, Biological Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Education, Psychology, Nursing, Drama, Visual Arts, Music and Educommunication.
The teaching career
Licensed teachers find work in middle and high schools as teachers of their certified area of study, as well as in scientific research.