On 1st August 2016 the School of Education International office (CCInt-FE) hosted the exchange students during the 2nd semester of 2016. This semester the School of Education received students of the Institución Universitaria José Antonio Camacho – Colombia, Universidad Humanism Academy Cristiano – Chile , University of Tsukuba – Japan and Università di Bologna – Italy.
The reception was attended by Prof. Leny Magalhães Mrech, vice coordinator of CCInt-FE, Vanessa Lima, assistant of CCInt-FE, foreign students of the University of Antioquia (Colombia) in exchange at School of Education (FEUSP) from the 1st semester 2016 and students of School of Education they did exchange abroad. Students from Antioquia presented their exchange experience at FEUSP to the new exchange students. Students from FEUSP also presented their experiences abroad, the FEUSP and the Athletic FEUSP. This contribuited in the reception of new students.
Students from their universities had the opportunity to know the CCInt-FEUSP, the School of Education, the Library, Portuguese Language Tutoring from CEPEL (Center for Studies and Research on Language Teaching), the Teacher Training Program and the Pro-student room.
On August 2nd, the CCInt-FE and CCInt-IRI (School of International Relations International Office) participated in a cultural tour of the campus, the Cultural Giro, program organized by the Pro-rectory of Culture and Extension. Foreign of its Schools had the opportunity to visit the campus of University City and its history.