From February 26th to March 3rd, 2018, the IV Internationalization Workshop was held. We present to the international students the activities of the School of Education in the scope of Teaching, Research and Extension. We received students from the following institutions: Universidade Pedagógica de Moçambique (Mozambique), University of Warsaw (Poland), Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica) and Universidad de Chile. We also had the presence of professors from the University of Tumbes (Peru).
Students from School of Education, University of São Paulo (FEUSP) also presented their exchange experiences. Professors of FEUSP presented the course of Graduation, Culture and Extension and the Research of FEUSP. Educators of the Teacher Training Program presented the Internships.
The foreigners had the opportunity to a guided visit to the Museum of Toy Education (MEB) with workshops of toys and games and to the Experimental Laboratory of Arts-Education and Culture (Lab_Arte) with workshops of arts and music.
Foreign students had the opportunity to know the other areas of FEUSP such as: the Library, the Center for Study and Research in Language Teaching (CEPEL) and the Pro-student room.
Finally, they had the opportunity to know the Campus and the city of São Paulo through the Giro Cultural USP and Giro Cultural São Paulo, together with other foreigners from the School of Communications and Art and the Institute of International Relations.