The School of Education International Office – CCInt-FE, held on 12th and 13th May 2016, the II Internationalization Seminar with 48 works presented , among them the School of Education (FE) professors, professors from others national universities and from foreign universities in Latin America and Europe, employees, undergraduate and graduate students, including foreign students in exchange program at the FE.
We also had the presence of Prof. Dr. Raul Machado Neto, president of AUCANI (USP International Office), the president of CCInt-FE, Prof. Drº Valdir Heitor Barzotto, and other department and committee heads from FE.
Students from Colombia and Chile made an artistic presentation with typical dances of their countries. Students of Colombia presented Fandango and Cumbia and the students of Chile, Pascuense dance.
All the presentations contributed to reflect thinking about the internationalization process of our University. The discussions were fruitful to understand what the internationalization of the university is, and they will contribute to the formation of new international academic agreements and to the improvement of our integration policy.
The School of Education International Office welcomes the presence of all !