

Mindfulness, Emotions and Educational Research
Período: 28/09/2015 a 30/09/2015
Morning Seminar: Multi-Level, Multi-Method, and Multi-Theoretical Research on Emotions and Mindfulness in (Science) Education Konstantinos Alexakos and Małgorzata Powietrzyńska

We will present the logic we apply to our research on emotions and mindfulness. Topics will include authentic and event-oriented inquiry, emergent study designs, multilevel analyses of video and audio files using interpretive approaches that embrace hermeneutic phenomenological methods, conversation and prosodic analysis, analysis of facial expressions, and analysis of embodied emotions and their physiological expression.
We will present examples of how we incorporated multiple theories and methods to our multi-level research. For example, we will share video clips and other data resources to illustrate application of event-oriented inquiry.

Afternoon Workshop:
We will discuss principles of engaging participants in cogenenerative dialogues and using other techniques towards incorporating multiple meanings (polysemia) and multiple voices (polyphonia) into the analyses and reporting of research findings. We will review our experience with the process of research planning and execution that is grounded in emergent study designs. We will also demonstrate the use of oximetry and the types of data analyses that may be performed.

Morning Seminar: Mindfulness-Based Interventions Towards Promotion of Well-Being in Education and Beyond Małgorzata Powietrzyńska and Konstantinos Alexakos

We will discuss theoretical grounding and applications of two mindfulness-based interventions developed and enacted in our on-going studies: breathing meditation and heuristics.

Afternoon Workshop
In this hands-on, interactive workshop, we will further explore mindfulness-based interventions. Participants will engage in and reflect on their experience with a 5-minute breathing meditation practice framed in secular and scientific terms. We will demonstrate and co-engage participants in different breathing meditation techniques including those incorporating Jin Shin Jyutsu holds. Heuristic methodology and its varied applications to teaching, learning, and conducting research will be the focus of this session. Workshop participants will complete one of the mindfulness heuristics and have a discussion around its utility to the classroom environment. They will be encouraged to design their own heuristic that may be appropriate to their unique contexts.

The inseparable role of emotions in the teaching and learning of primary school science - Christina Siry, The University of Luxembourg.

In this presentation, I seek to explore the inseparable role of emotions in the teaching and the learning of science at the primary school level, and elaborate the theoretical underpinnings and personal experiences that lead me to this notion of inseparability. Emotions are complex and an under-researched aspect of the literature in science education, and it has been suggested that there are three reasons that there has been a dearth of research on the role of emotions in education; first, they are fluid and more difficult to describe than cognition, second, due to the dominance of cognitive psychology over research in education, and lastly, due to the legacy of dualism that has positioned reason in opposition to emotion (Zembylas, 2004). I will situate my perspectives on the complexity of science education in primary schools, draw on a review of the existing literature on emotions in science, and present arguments for the necessity of working towards positive emotions in my work with young children and their teachers. My own perspectives and experiences will be layered onto the methodological arguments and an examination of the research approaches that my research group and I draw on in our work in primary school classrooms in Luxembourg.

Examining emotions in video-based research (workshop)

In this workshop, I intend to build upon the arguments raised in my presentation about the inseparability of emotions in the teaching and learning of science, to introduce the methods that I draw upon to examine emotions in my research studies. In particular, I will integrate methods that come from Randall Collins’ (2001) work on interaction ritual chains to demonstrate how emotions become revealed in interaction. Using video and video-offprints from ongoing research studies, I will illustrate the different steps that my research group and I use in our analyses to support the emergence of our interpretations and claims about the centrality of emotions in teaching and learning science.
Horários e Locais:
28/09/2015 - 09:00 às 12:00 - Auditório FEUSP
29/09/2015 - 09:00 às 12:00 - Auditório FEUSP
30/09/2015 - 09:00 às 12:00 - Auditório FEUSP
Maurício Pietrocola Pinto de Oliveira - EDM
Inscrições de participação: somente on line a partir de 01/10/2015 a 02/10/2015
Inscrição online encerrada.
Seção de Apoio Acadêmico
Telefone de contato: 3091-3574
Email de Contato: apoioacadfe@usp.br