

INEI (International Network of Educational Institutions) - Teacher Education in crisis? Developing the teaching profession in the twenty first century
Período: 06/11/2014 a 07/11/2014
Around the world there is talk of a crisis in the teaching profession.
The growth if international comparsions in education - including PISA, PIRLS and TIMSS - has led many countries to question the adequacy of their education systems and the training and development arrangements which underpin them.
The rapid develolopment of social media and other information technologies raise questions about the role of the teacher and the extent to wich conventional teaching can be replaced by technology.
The rapid changes in the labour market are raising questions about the adequacy of training and development arrangements for those who prepare young people for work and life.
Around the world there is rapid change in arrangements for the initial and continuing development of teachers. Some countries are locating responsibility for teacher education in schools. Other are shortening programs and cutting budgets. Teach for America has spread around the world to England, Australia, Canada, India, and Lebanon and further. Governments are developing direct programs to recruit Troops into Teaching.
This conference will review these developments from two perspectives: their implications for the long-term development of teaching profession and what they mean for faculties of education.
The conference will explore models of teaching education and development, their expertise (or lack of it) required for the profession, the place of technology in teacher development, the role of the market and the state in preparing and developing teachers, and the consequences for children, communities and countries.

*O evento será realizado no Auditório da FEUSP. Caso o número de participantes exceda a capacidade do local, haverá transmissão simultânea na sala 147 do bloco B.
Horários e Locais:
06/11/2014 - 09:00 às 17:00 - Auditório FEUSP
07/11/2014 - 09:00 às 12:00 - Auditório FEUSP
Romualdo Luiz Portela de Oliveira - EDA
Inscrições de participação: somente on line a partir de 15/09/2014 a 06/11/2014 - Vagas esgotadas
Inscrição online encerrada.
Seção de Apoio Acadêmico
Telefone de contato: 3091-3574
Email de Contato: apoioacadfe@usp.br